Monday, November 26, 2012

PBTV - December 2012

** Hot News **

December 2012 Webinars on PowerBuilderTV

Tuesday, November 27, 2012
at 9:00 AM PST (Los Angeles) - 18h00 CET (Paris)

Gantt Chart Planner — Consuming .NET Assemblies in PowerBuilder .NET
Construction companies need an overview of their planning and work in progress. HBBSoft, a PowerBuilder .NET application, aims to achieve this purpose using Gantt and scheduling. The application is able to communicate with the Microsoft Exchange Calendar using Microsoft Exchange Web Services (EWS) to plan employees’ tasks immediately into the Outlook calendar. This presentation covers several techniques used in the HBBSoft application:
• .NET user authentication.
• Consuming Exchange Web Services to sync with Exchange Calendar.
• Custom Expression Blend toolbar.
• Integration of third-party Gantt and schedule controls.
Presenter: Dimitri Joosten

Thursday, November 29, 2012
at 9:00 AM PST (Los Angeles) - 18h00 CET (Paris)

Building Customizable Applications using CRAFT
Create a business application in just a few days or change the business logic immediately after a customer request. This session presents CRAFT, a software platform for building customizable and complex business applications. CRAFT does not require expert programming skills — knowledge of SQL is sufficient — and its visual tools allow developers to build applications rapidly, even without a single line of code. Applications can be customized easily during implementation at a customer site. The CRAFT software platform:
• Leverages the full power of DataWindow technology for creating user interfaces and reports.
• Enables software developers to create and manage application business objects definition, their representation (using DataWindow forms visual designer), and their business logic (if needed) using embedded high-level object-oriented language.
• Program language syntax is very similar to PowerScript® language (with some extensions) —  PowerBuilder developers will have minimal learning time.
• Supports the most well-known SQL databases (Oracle, Microsoft SQL, MySQL, InterBase, Firebird, PostgreSQL), and can be used as a prototyping tool, as a report generator, and as a tool for business analysis.
Presenter: Dmitry Golubev

Tuesday, Decembre 4, 2012
at 9:00 AM PST (Los Angeles) - 18h00 CET (Paris)

Implementing Datawindow Usability Improvements with Minimal Disruption
This presentation covers techniques to create and implement a 'datawindow enhancement service' within an existing PowerBuilder application with the goal of providing improved functionality while keeping disruption to application users to a minimum. It is similar to the session presented at the 2012 PowerBuilder Developers Conference held in October in conjunction with SAP TechEd. Focus for this session will be on the creation of the service object, implementing example functionality enhancements with existing datawindows, and ideas for further expansion of the service.
Presenter: Matt Balent

Wednesday, Decembre 5, 2012
at 9:00 AM PST (Los Angeles) - 18h00 CET (Paris)

Using .NET Assemblies with PowerBuilder
This presentation covers techniques to create and implement a 'datawindow enhancement service' within an existing PowerBuilder application with the goal of providing improved functionality while keeping disruption to application users to a minimum. It is similar to the session presented at the 2012 PowerBuilder Developers Conference held in October in conjunction with SAP TechEd. Focus for this session will be on the creation of the service object, implementing example functionality enhancements with existing datawindows, and ideas for further expansion of the service.
Presenter: Bruce Armstrong

Don't forget to check out the archive of past webinars!

Regards ... Chris

Friday, November 23, 2012

ISUG - Annual General Meeting

** Hot News **

ISUG - 2012 Annual General Meeting

The International Sybase User Group will be holding their annual general meeting on on Tuesday, December 11th at 3pm EST (8pm UTC). The meeting will be available via a live webcast and is open to all ISUG members!

The meeting will consist of a presentation covering the last 12 months along with the plans for the next 1-2 years. The board also plans to bring at least one motion requiring a vote of the members.

You can register for this meeting at  All members are invited to attend, although Associate level members will not be permitted to vote on any pending action(s) required by the membership.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

ISUG Wants You!

** Hot News **


  I just wanted to mention that ISUG (International Sybase User Group) is always looking for people who would like to write an article for their "Technical Journal" magazine. If you have used SAP products (NetWeaver, PB, Hanna, EAServer, ASE, ect) in a unique way, interfaced your application to some interesting 3rd party system, built an advanced GUI interface, developed an application solution to a unique business need, etc and want to share your experience - then you might like to give writing a try!

  For more information on the ISUG Technical Journal and writing endevours for ISUG, please follow this link ... click here!  

Regards ... Chris 

Monday, November 5, 2012

Product Roadmaps 2012

** Hot News **

  Recently in the fall of 2012, SAP held various webinars outlining their road-maps for Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE), PowerDesigner (PD) and PowerBuilder (PB). SAP recorded these webcasts and have now made them available for the general public viewing, as follows:

Road-map Webcasts ....




Enjoy ... Chris

Friday, November 2, 2012

PB TV - November, 2012

** Hot News **

November 2012 webinars on PowerBuilderTV

Don't forget to check out the archive of past webinars!

Thursday November 8th 2012

at 9:00 AM PST (Los Angeles) - 18h00 CET (Paris)

Appeon Mobile - Live Demo! : Take your PowerBuilder applications mobile.
Want to use PowerBuilder to build apps for iPad, iPhone, Android, and other mobile devices? This presentation shows you how to leverage PowerBuilder to rapidly build native mobile applications that will run on virtually any device or OS. Learn about:
• Mobile SDK integration.
• Offline data access.
• Application provisioning and distribution.
Get answers to all your pressing technical questions, have a chance to register for the beta program, and learn about the product roadmap in this informative session.
Presenter: Armeen Mazda

Tuesday, November 13, 2012
at 9:00 AM PST (Los Angeles) - 18h00 CET (Paris)

VHG-Tools Platform — PowerBuilder .NET, Expression Blend, Web, and Cloud
The VHG-Tools platform is an application environment based on the former Capital Architect program. The platform is developed in PowerBuilder .NET and is used to present several tools anywhere, any time. Capital Architect, now called Capital Simulator, is one of the tools integrated within this new platform. Last year, a session illustrated the implementation of the controls developed in Expression Blend within PowerBuilder .NET, and showed how the application was mobilized on several platform-independent devices. This session shows the continued evolution of style, speed, mobility, and platform independency and covers several techniques:
• Multithreading.
• Custom-styling DataWindows with PowerBuilder .NET using WPF “styles.”
• Customizing Expression Blend buttons.
• The integration of third-party control “amcharts.”
• SMS service (a plain and simple solution).
• .NET active directory user authentication.
• Browser integration.
• Web integration using Cloud Portal.
Presenter : Dmitri Joosten

On-demand webinars on PowerBuilderTV:
  Modernize the look of your PowerBuilder Applications
  How to take your PowerBuilder applications mobile with Appeon Mobile
  How to develop Multithreaded applications with PowerBuilder
  Allow end-users to modify applications themselves with Customization Studio
  How to make your application multilingual with Enable 5.0

Regards ... Chris