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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Updated Foundation Classes for PB 11.5.1, 12.1 (Classic & .NET)

PowerBuilder framework updates released!


** Hot News **

    Software Tool & Die Inc is pleased to announce that they have released a new version of their STD Foundation Classes for the production versions of PowerBuilder 11.5.x, and 12.1.x. This release is based on the STD framework using PowerBuilder 11.5.1 build 4011, PowerBuilder 12.1.0 Classic build 6518, PowerBuilder 12.1.0 .Net build 6518, . PowerBuilder developers can now further enjoy this superior framework for their mission critical applications allowing them to dramatically accelerate their development work while maintaining superior application performance. The framework architecture supports Win32, Webform, Winform and Smart Client deployment models.

      The STD Foundation Classes are a free business and productivity framework and available for Appeon, InfoMaker, EAServer, PocketBuilder, and PowerBuilder that support .Net Assemblies, WebForm, WinForn, Win32, WPF and JSP/ASP deployment as well.

STD FC Release 11.5.1 and 12.1.0 for PowerBuilder  ... April 10, 2011)

1)    Changed SA database version check to work with SA12.0 as the default.
2)    Extended the "Timing" object base ancestor "ns_timing_master" to
    a) Allow an object to register itself as the Timing object's parent
    b) Fire any event of the parent objects choosing on the timer interval
3)    Added a new global function "fn_encrypt_simple" that supports basic encryption (all written in PowerScript).
4)    Added a new global function ""fn_decrypt_simple that supports basic decryption (all written in PowerScript).
5)    Revised the "fn_open_sheet_window" global function to allow an arrangement type option parameter.
6)    Revised the "fn_open_sheet_window_withParm" global function to allow an arragment type option parameter.
7)    Added a new global function "fn_convert_packed_decimal" that supports the handling of IBM DB/2 numeric data.
8)    Added a new global function "fn_copy_transaction" that allows a new Transaction Object to be created from an active one!
9)    Added a new global function "fn_dbms_get_sysdate" that allows you to get the System date of the DBMS server.
10)    Added a new global function "fn_lookup_display_value" that gets you the displayed value from any DDDW.
11)    Added a new global function "fn_print_screen" that allows you to print any current dialog.
12)    Added a new global function "fn_remove_spaces" that allows you to remove ALL spaces from any String variable.
13)    Added a new global function "fn_validate_phone_no" that allows you validate any standard phone number.
14)    The global function "nc_crypto" was renamed to "nc_crypto_master" to be inline with FC's naming conventions
15)    A new Object "nc_cypher_master" was created that taps into the C++ Cypher and De-cypher features
16)    The Application Controller object "nc_app_controller_master" was changed to check for NULL Context values from the OS.
17)    The Application Controller object "nc_app_controller_master" was changed to only log the details of all errors.
    a) user now receives a simple alert with the option to continue.
    b) user no longer sees the actual error (unless the open the log in the Log Viewer).
17)    The Application Controller object "nc_app_controller_master" was changed to only log the details of all errors.
18)    The Application Controller object "nc_app_controller_master" was changed to support Processor Affinity.
    a) a New setting Affinity= setting to the INI file support
    b) New method sets the CPU affinity if the new parameter in the INI file is > 0
19)    The DataWindow control base ancestor "vs_dc_master" was changed to disable moving the control when the Title bar is present.
    Note1: For some reason, this does not work in Winform deployments.
    Note2: The title bar is not supported in WPF.
20)     The StaticText extension object "vs_st_transparent_master" was changed to support the PB 12.x implementation of a transparent background colour.
21)    A new Window ancestor was added (wn_animated_save_master) that supports the new Animated Save feature!
22)    The "wn_master" base ancestor window was changed to implement the Animated Save feature.
    a) New "of_animation_required" method was added to the Base window class (wn_master) to support Animated saves.
23)    The "wn_master" base ancestor class was changed to change the way duplicate instantiated dialog's were discovered.
    a) This fixes a problem where the Win32 applications tool bars and sheet would seem to "bounce" in the MDI frame.
    b) Corrects a Winform application where the lower toolbar(s) would disappear all together until a close/open.
24)    The "wn_master" base ancestor was changed to allow any Window to have a Min or Max size.
25)    The "wn_controller_master" base ancestor was changed to support a "Close All" open sheet/child window option.
26)    The base ancestor menu "mu_master" was changed to implement a new Close All menu under the "Window" pull down menu item.
27)    The "vs_dc_list_master" DW Control extension ancestor was changed to implement a sortation icon on the heading
    a) uses a triangle drawn on to the heading text.
    b) Triangle direction show the sortation order
    c) If the heading text will interfere with the triangle, it is shifted over slightly.
    d) The shifted heading text is restored upon moving to a new column.
28)    Changed the "wn_popup_master" to centre itself to the current controller window.
    a) Allows better GUI
    b) Supports dual monitors better
29)    Changed the "wn_main_master" to center itself to the current controller window.
    a) Allows better GUI interface
    b) Better supports a dual monitor PC
    c) Ignores this behaviour of the Controller is an MDI type window
30)    The Application Controller object "nc_app_controller_master" was changed to capture the WebForm (IIs) Session ID
    a) New *private* session ID instance variable added (is_session_id)
    b) Session ID is written to the Application's LOG file at start-up
    c) A new "of_Get_Session_Id" method was added to expose the private variable to the application
31)    The Application Controller object "nc_app_controller_master" was changed to capture the WebForm (IIs) Browser signature!
    a) New *private* instance variable added (is_browser)
    b) The Browser signature written to the Application's LOG file at start-up
    c) A new "of_get_browser" method was added to expose the current Browser's signature at any time.
32)    The Application Controller object "nc_app_controller_master" was changed to verify that the WebForm browser.
    a) If the Browser is not IE an error message appears in the current browser.
    b) The application will stop on any Web browser other than IE.
33)     A new global function "fn_build_number" was added to automatically track application builds.
    a) A new INI file was added to support this functionality (STD_FC.ini).
    b) Note: currently code commented out as this crashes the PB 11.5.1 and higher IDE
        Problem reported to Sybase Engineering.
34)    The Order Entry application was changed to
    a) Use the new FlashWindow feature of Response dialogs to alert users visually (Login Dialog)
    b) The Login dialog uses the new simple encryption to save the last good password to the Application's INI file.
    c) The Employee dialog was changed to demonstrate the new fixed DW Control when a title bar is active.
    d) The Employee, Customer and Product list dialogs were changed to demonstrate the new Sort Icon.
35)  Changed SA database version check to work with SA11.0.1.2044
36)  Updated the core Message DataWindow with new message ID's
37)  Updated the French and Spanish message DW objects for new message transactions.
38)  Updated the DataWindow control master (vs_dc_master) to disable Mouse Wheel zooming.
    a) New instance variable added to control whether this action is permitted.

    Along with the updated framework for PowerBuilder's 11.5.x and 12.1.x, there is also an updated example OrderEntry application that is built with the STD Foundation Classes to aid in the learning and testing experience. Both the updated STD framework and the OrderEntry sample application have been uploaded to the SourceForge website (click here). Select "View All Files" at the main project page and the look for the PowerBuilder folder.

Enjoy .... Chris!

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