Saturday, August 7, 2010


** Hot News **

   Brad Wery has added another great tool to his GUI arsenal of PowerBuilder gadgets. In this case its the new PowerFilter tool that greatly enhances the DataWindow object to enable the application user to specify complex data filtering operations using point-and-click technology.

     PowerFilter is a powerful, easy-to-implement DataWindow filtering component that provides users functionality similar to what is found in Excel 2007. To learn more about this "kool" PowerBuilder add-on, please visit Brad's PowerToTheBuilder website!

Regards ,,, Chris

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chris, Thanks for the plug for PowerFilter. I hadn't seen it until now. Unfortunately, I found your comments while searching the internet to find illegal copies of PowerFilter. Recently an unscrupulous 'developer' hacked into the evaluation PBD and posted a Youtube video, trying to sell the information to others. Hopefully the PowerBuilder development community will reject his actions. I'm grateful to Brad for his help in publishing my software, and thank you again for your encouraging words.

    Jim Reese, PowerFilter author.
