Thursday, December 2, 2010

STD Foundation Classes - PB 12.1 for EAServer

PowerBuilder 12.1 framework for EAServer!

** Hot News **

    Software Tool & Die Inc is pleased to announce that they have released a new version of their STD Foundation Classes for the production version of PowerBuilder 12.1 classic and the EAServer application server version 5.5 through 6.3. This release is based on the STD framework using PowerBuilder 12.1.0 build 6518. PowerBuilder developers can now enjoy this superior framework for their mission critical applications allowing them to communicate to NVUO's from either JSP or ASP.Net based web application environments. The framework architecture is MVC compliant and allows superior performance, stability, features, etc for EAS based PB component business logic!

      The STD Foundation Classes are a free business and productivity framework and available for Appeon, InfoMaker, EAServer, PocketBuilder, and PowerBuilder that support .Net Assemblies, WebForm, WinForn, Win32, WPF and JSP/ASP deployment as well. Note: For those developers who have an ISUG membership at either the Gold or Green  level - you can download the full development version of PowerBuilder 12.1 for free to use at home for learning purposes.

STD FC Release 12.1 for EAS/PB changes ... December 2, 2010)

1)  Migration of FC's from PB 11.5.1 to 12.1 build 6518
2)  Minor code changes for better performance.
3)  Tested framework with EAServer version 5.5 and 6.3

    Along with the new framework for EAServer, there is also an updated example sStore ASP.Net application that uses PB 12.1 NVUO's built with the STD Foundation Classes to aid in the learning and testing experience. Both the updated EAServer based STD framework and the eStore sample application have been uploaded to the SourceForge website (click here). Select "View All Files" at the main project page and the look for the EAServer folder.

Enjoy .... Chris!

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