Saturday, March 19, 2011


The North American PowerBuilder Virtual User Group and mLogica Present:
Carving Up Classic Client/Server Applications for .NET Deployment Using the New .NET Project Partitioning Feature
Sponsored by:  mLogica
    The March 12.1 PowerBuilder EBF contains a new tool and technology that enables you to overcome deployment issues that might impede .NET migration.  You might even be able to organize your code in a way that enables you to restore RAD development to its rightful position in PowerBuilder.NET deployment.  
Yakov Werde, member of TeamSybase and a PowerBuilder MVP will walk you though the ins and outs of the new partitioning feature "by-example".  He'll demonstrate the proper use of the new tool that allows you to configure your deployment architecture.  He'll also show you how to work around issues that might surface during partitioning.  He'll explain how to determine inter-assembly dependencies, determine if any circular dependencies exist, reorganize your code object storage scheme to eliminate them, and determine where you will store your global types
Wednesday, March 23rd
10am-11am PDT
1pm-2pm EDT
5-6pm GMT 
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 Regards ... Chris

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