Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Take PB to the Web, Mobile & More!

Do you want to go to the Web? Embrace Java or .NET?
    Your client/server applications work well, and you have invested a lot in them but you need to keep up with the times and move your applications to the Web. So you may wonder “What should we do? Do we really need to junk our existing applications? Retrain our developers? Hire new guys who know nothing about our business?”If that’s the case, take a look at Appeon for PowerBuilder
  • Migrate your PB code to a web-based application, for a fraction of the cost of a full re-write in .Net or Java.
  • Developments remain in PowerBuilder: no need to change or retrain the developers.
    The PB code is automatically converted to .NET or Java during deployment.
  • The Web User Interface is identical to the Client/Server one:
    Users keep the same interface they are already comfortable with.
  • Impressive performance for complex and demanding screens.
  • Allows for rich client-side integration (Microsoft Office, Printers…), drag-and-drop, hot keys, file functions and registry functions that you wouldn't expect on the Web.
Technical requirements:
  • Applications are accessible with a simple Internet browser.
  • You can deploy to most Java or .NET application Servers
  • Support for PowerBuilder 12.5, Windows 7…
  • Deployment to multi-instance servers
  • Calls to web services without any additional plug-ins

Appeon Certified Partners

Saturday, February 25, 2012

PowerBuilder TV - March 2012

** Hot News **
Upcoming webinars on PowerBuilderTV 

Thursday March 8th 2012
at 09:00am CST (Ciudad de Mexico) / 16:00 CET (Madrid)

Cómo hacer aplicaciones multitarea con PowerBuilder
- Presented in Spanish -
En este webinar realizaremos aplicaciones multitarea en versiones de Powerbuilder anteriores a la 12, para que se puedan ejecutar como procesos independientes para aprovechar al máximo el procesador y la memoria. También explicarán las nuevas funcionalidades y ventajas del trabajo multiproceso en PowerBuilder 12.5 utilizando funciones de PowerBuilder.NET.
Presenter: Oscar Tobar

Thursday March 22nd 2012
at 12:00 PM EST (New York) - 17h00 CET (Paris)

Introduction to Customization Studio 2012
A new approach for making changes in PowerBuilder Applications
Imagine a PowerBuilder extension that would allow end-users to modify applications themselves! Customization Studio lets them edit a window as if it were a simple MS Office document. Users modify the executable version of the application, without changing the source code, creating an immediate result.
Customization Studio 2012 features a new application called "NCS Designer"; it provides tools designed for non-technical users. In this presentation, we will see how to use these tools to customize reports, add new items in your windows, modernize the look & feel of the application and more...
Presenter: Christophe Dufourmantelle

Don't forget to check out the archive of past webinars!

Regards ... Chris