Saturday, February 25, 2012

PowerBuilder TV - March 2012

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Upcoming webinars on PowerBuilderTV 

Thursday March 8th 2012
at 09:00am CST (Ciudad de Mexico) / 16:00 CET (Madrid)

Cómo hacer aplicaciones multitarea con PowerBuilder
- Presented in Spanish -
En este webinar realizaremos aplicaciones multitarea en versiones de Powerbuilder anteriores a la 12, para que se puedan ejecutar como procesos independientes para aprovechar al máximo el procesador y la memoria. También explicarán las nuevas funcionalidades y ventajas del trabajo multiproceso en PowerBuilder 12.5 utilizando funciones de PowerBuilder.NET.
Presenter: Oscar Tobar

Thursday March 22nd 2012
at 12:00 PM EST (New York) - 17h00 CET (Paris)

Introduction to Customization Studio 2012
A new approach for making changes in PowerBuilder Applications
Imagine a PowerBuilder extension that would allow end-users to modify applications themselves! Customization Studio lets them edit a window as if it were a simple MS Office document. Users modify the executable version of the application, without changing the source code, creating an immediate result.
Customization Studio 2012 features a new application called "NCS Designer"; it provides tools designed for non-technical users. In this presentation, we will see how to use these tools to customize reports, add new items in your windows, modernize the look & feel of the application and more...
Presenter: Christophe Dufourmantelle

Don't forget to check out the archive of past webinars!

Regards ... Chris

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