Friday, June 8, 2012

PowerBuilder Developers Conference

** Hot News **

PowerBuilder Developers Conference @ SAP TechEd
Call for Papers Now Open!
Submit a Proposal to Present at the PowerBuilder Developers Conference

   SAP has  now announced the PowerBuilder Developers Conference! The conference will be held October 15-19, 2012 at the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas, concurrently with SAP TechEd.

   Have you used SAP Sybase PowerBuilder to solve a business challenge, discovered a coding technique over the last year, have a bright new shiny User Experience in your apps, or simply have amassed a boatload of PowerBuilder tips and tricks over the years? If you have an accomplishment and/or a new insight into application development that you would like to share with your friends and colleagues, submit a session proposal for the PowerBuilder Developers Conference.
    The deadline to submit a session for consideration is June 22, 2012. Acceptance notifications will be sent out late-July. Sessions need to be educational and technically focused. The average session length will be 60 minutes. Speakers must be available to present during the entire span of the conference (October 15-19, 2012). We offer complimentary registration to the PowerBuilder Developers Conference to approved speakers. If you are selected as a presenter, your final presentation is due August 31, 2012.

Session Proposal Guidelines
  • Title - 75 characters
  • Abstract - 200 words (must be detailed and descriptive enough to catch the interest of attendees)
  • Speaker Bio - 250 characters
Important Dates
  • June 22 - Deadline for session proposal submission
  • August 31 - Final presentation slides due

    The PowerBuilder Developer Conference Team look forward to hearing from you!

Regards .... Chris

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