Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Advanced PowerBuilder

** Hot News **

Advanced PowerBuilder for Professionals - Part I
(available in August 2012 through ISUG)

     eLearnIT LLC, global independent provider of SAP Sybase PowerBuilder developer eTraining, Seminars and Workshops, in cooperation with the International Sybase User Group (ISUG), a trade association representing more than eight thousand members in more than sixty countries around the globe, is pleased to announce the general availability of its Advanced PowerBuilder for Professionals eTraining series.

   The Advanced PowerBuilder for Professionals, Part 1 course picks up where eLearnIT’s PowerBuilder Essentials course left off, going beyond the core concepts introduced in the earlier course. It provides ten, in-depth topics, that span the full breadth and scope of the PowerBuilder Classic platform. Each topic contains in-depth audio and text descriptions and video presentations accompanied by supporting hands-on lab exercises.
The new course topics are:
  1. Custom Class User Objects: Future-proofing your logic for maintainability, reuse and portability
  2. User Objects: Building reusable and dynamic GUI and framework code elements
  3. Object Orientation: Coding for reuse, efficiency and maintainability
  4. Error and Exceptions: Writing robust handlers using built-in platform APIs
  5. MDI Presentation Style: Enhancing the user experience through effective, consistent user interfaces
  6. Stored Procedure DataWindow Objects: Accessing and updating the database in a secure, high performance way
  7. DataWindow Buffer Access APIs: Acquiring an arsenal of tools for interacting with client-side data sets
  8. DataWindow Object Expression Language: Creating dynamic, informative and responsive data presentations
  9. Dynamic DataWindow Expression API: Adding runtime modifiable behaviors to DataWindow presentations
  10. Child DataWindow Objects: Achieving enhanced DataWindow data entry and providing effective data presentations

   For more information on this great new course, please follow this link to the ISUG website.

Regards ... Chris

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