Tuesday, March 12, 2013

PBTV - April, 2013

** Hot News **

Upcoming webinars on PowerBuilderTV

April, 2013 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013
at 8:00 AM PDT (Los Angeles) - 17h00 CET (Paris)

Developing Developers
We are all aware that PowerBuilder is currently out of vogue. IT managers, when weighing the future of their mission enterprise critical PowerBuilder applications, consider the current shortage of qualified PowerBuilder developers to be a negative factor. One viable, but not often considered approach, is to hire Java or C# enabled talent and train them in PowerBuilder. In this presentation, SAP Mentor Yakov Werde will show how eLearnITs web based "Complete PowerBuilder Series", addresses the PowerBuilder developer shortage through its cost effective and efficient PowerBuilder eTraining series..
Presenter: Yakov Werde

Thursday, April 4, 2013
at 8:00 AM PDT (Los Angeles) - 17h00 CET (Paris)

How to Develop Mobile Apps with Appeon Mobile
This live Webcast will walk you through the process of configuring, developing, and deploying your mobile project with Appeon Mobile for PowerBuilder. You will learn how to configure your application target, configure application server connection cache, identify PowerBuilder features unsupported on mobile devices, and deploy your application as a native mobile app on an iPad or iPhone. This will be followed by a Q&A session at the end. This session is highly recommended for those considering or planning on using Appeon Mobile to develop cross-OS native mobile apps.
Presenter: Armeen Mazda

Regards ... Chris


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