Tuesday, July 30, 2013


** Hot News **

Building SOA Applications with PowerBuilder

   eLearnIT LLC, global independent provider of  SAP PowerBuilder developer eTraining, seminars workshops and application consulting, in cooperation with the Independent SAP Technical User Group (ISUG-Tech) is pleased to announce the general availability of the online version of its Building SOA Applications with PowerBuilder, WCF & IIS workshop. The workshop sports comprehensive, challenging lab exercises during which a developer will use the full range of PowerBuilder .NET’s WCF capabilities to code a comprehensive business and logic service layer and deploy it into IIS.  Using a best practice approach, they will alter a WPF rich GUI client application to access that logic.

At the end of the workshop a developer should be able to
  • Comfortably navigate the PowerBuilder VS .NET IDE to code and deploy client and service non-visual objects
  • Recognize and implement best practice PowerBuilder client and service coding patterns that should be implemented during a client/server to a SOA migration or new SOA application
  • Use the PowerBuilder Classic 12.5, PowerBuilder .NET 12.5 and MS IIS 7.5 to code & deploy basic client & server elements of a multi-tiered (distributed) application using both REST and SOAP based WS technologies
  • Modify and configure a Classic PowerBuilder application to function as a web service client
  • List and define the main features of .NET 4.0 WCF and use PowerBuilder .NET tools to configure both client and service elements to conform to them
  • Use the Web Service DataWindow to access services, recognizing its strengths & limitations
  • Use ADO.NET connection pools and IIS application pools to improve performance
  • Properly choose among service instance models for various kinds of service logic
  • Configure clients and services for Per-Instance, Per-Session and Singleton access
  • Configure services and clients to report and handle processing faults (exceptions)
  • Design, deploy and configure data centric logic in a robust transactional manner
  • Configure services for use in durable transactional scenarios and code clients to recognize and respond to transactional failure
  • Recognize, list and describe Security issues and discuss how WCF & PowerBuilder .NET addresses them
  • Deploy and configure services and clients using various Authorization and Access mechanisms

For details on getting started, an information about eLearnIT’s other acclaimed PowerBuilder courses and multi-developer discounts visit http://my.isug.com/training/pb

Regards ... Chris

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