Sunday, August 3, 2014

AIRMAN on the Amazon Cloud via APPEON

** Hot News **

Airman on Amazon

Airman running on my actual iPhone.

     Wow, did I ever have a great weekend! I was able to help out a friend of mine Greg Winfield who owns Volairus - the home of the famous AIRMAN PowerBuilder application. You might remember in the days of PocketBuilder, the first production application built with this tool was the Airman Mobile system deployed to NewYork city's LaGuardia Airport. I was the person who built that first PocketPC mobile application for Greg.

  However, my pleasure this weekend was to allocate an E2.Medium Amazon Cloud space and load it with the Sybase SQL Anywhere database engine and the Appeon2013R2 web and mobile software that webifies and/or mobilizes almost any PowerBuilder based application. In this, I used Greg's AIRMAN application that is installed in many airports around North America.

Deploying AIRMAN in the Amazon Cloud using Remote Desktop.

  The first stage was to get Greg's application and configure it to work on my development machine. From there, I deployed this to my local Appeon Server and unit tested the application under the IE web browser. Once that ran clean, I used Appon's "application packager" to create an MSI installation file - which I uploaded to the Amazon E2 machine.

  Once the MSI from the Appeon packager is copied to the target Appeon Server machine, all I had to do was run the MSI to deploy the application and configure a database connection in Appeon to the SQL Anywhere based Airman database (although Airman works with SQL Server, ASE, Oracle, etc). After that, the application started up first time and ran perfectly in the Internet Explorer web browser!

AIRMAN running from the Cloud in my IE web browser.

  The next step was to point my Appeon WorkSpace application on the iPhone and iPad to the Amazon based Appeon Server cloud machine. After that, the native compiled iOS Airman application was downloaded to these Apple devices and the AIRMAN application ran perfectly these as well.
Actual Amazon based AIRMAN application running on my iPad.

 The final test was to fire up my Samsung tablet and the Appeon WorkSpace application and point this to the Amazon Cloud E2 machine. Once that was done, again the Airman application came alive on this super Android device and ran perfectly the 1st time!

The Android version of AIRMAN on my Nexus10 tablet a la Amazon Cloud & Appeon!

 All in all, an out standing weekend with Appeon, Amazon, SA, and the AIRMAN application with only a few hours of work. Watch out Cloud ... Appeon is bringing you its PowerBuilder applications as easy as 1-2-3!

Regards ... Chris

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