Wednesday, December 19, 2018

STD Integrated Foundation Classes - Version 2018R5 Released!

** Hot News **

  Integrated Foundation Classes (2018R5) Released!

 "THE" Framework for Appeon PowerBuilder & PowerServer!

(v2018.5.0.117 - December 18, 2018)
New Toolbar "User Object" feature in STD Integrated Framework Release 5!

        Software Tool & Die Inc (STD) are very pleased to announce that they have just released a new version of their Integrated Foundation Class library framework 2018R5 (build 2018.5.0.117) exclusively for PowerBuilder 2017R3, PowerServer 2017 Web and PowerServer 2017 Mobile builds 1858!
     STD are also very excited as this release represents another significant enhancement to the Integrated framework that really further exemplifies the power of the Appeon PowerBuilder 2017R3 development environment! The new framework combined with the current PowerBuilder and/or PowerServer products, positions developers to take advantage of today's Agile and DevOps methodologies. Plus it further enhances a new GUI "punch" in your Native, Web and Mobile Apps without buying expensive add-on products.

     For a summary of the previous framework version's feature sets for 2018, please follow these links - 2018R1, 2018R2, 2018R3 and 2018R4. Note that STD has now released 5 new versions of the framework in 2018. Stay tuned for more exciting releases in 2019!

   The following are some of the key highlights of the new R5 Integrated Foundation Class library and Appeon PowerBuilder 2017R3 versions at work, as follows:

DropDownDataWindow - Zoom & Banding

Automatic DDDW Zoom to Parent and Band Colourization (run-time configurable)

Appeon WorkSpace ( new INI values)

  • AWS_AssistiveTouch_Visible=1
  • AWS_Check_Version=Y
  • AWS_Expected_Version=1858.00
  • ;  Orientation - 0 - Unknown; 1 - Portrait; 2 - Landscape
  • AWS_Orientation=2
  • AWS_Rotationlock=0
  • ;  TitleBar - 0 =  Bar invisible/ Icon visible , 1 = All Visible, 2 = Bar & Icon is invisible
  • AWS_TitleBar=1

System Tray

System Tray improvements & support for MS-Windows notification area

    The latest Integrated framework version contains the following updates and has been tested with MS-Windows 10 O/S (Spring Creator Edition), PB 2017R3 and the PowerServer 2017 builds #1858. Testing inside of PB included Win32 (both P-code & M-code) and Win64 (P-code) deployments. Testing inside of PowerServer Web & Mobile included latest Web Browsers, latest Apple Tablet / Smart Phone and Android Tablet / Smart Phone deployments.

Note: All the STD frameworks are free and can be downloaded from its STD Foundation Classes SourceForge project website..

Release 2018.5.0.117 - Major Release (2018R5) - change highlights ...

  • Added Environment object to "nc_app_controller_master" class to double check APP's bitness in DEBUG mode
  • Revised "nc_app_controller_master" object class to always write bitness to the App's Log
  • Revised "nc_app_controller_master" object class to write RTE Control type to the App's log
  • Added a 64bit Structure for the support of 64bit App's in "nc_app_controller_master" object class
  • Added a 64bit Structure for the support of 64bit App's in "nc_app_controller_master" object class
  • Added the following external functions to the "nc_app_controller_master" object class ...     SetParent, SetForegroundWindow, GetForegroundWindow, Printer methods, WriteProfileXxxxx methods, LoadImage and Extraction
  • Added code to GetFocus/LooseFocus events of "vs_cb_master" oject class to hanlde "Flat" button style.
  • Added ib_auto_hscroll variable to "vs_dc_detail_master" object class to control automatic horizontal scrolling on column focus
  • Added ib_auto_vscroll variable to "vs_dc_detail_master" object class to control automatic vertical scrolling on column focus
  • Added is_save_3d_mode variable to "vs_dc_detail_master" object class to restore 3D mode state
  • Added code to "vs_dc_detail_master" object class "ItemFocusChanged" event to handle #8,9,10 new features
  • Added method "of_add_control_to_toolbar" to "wn_controller_master" object class to allow adding a User Object to the current Menu's Toolbar at run-time
  • Revised "wn_controller_master" object class "oe_postopen" event script to allow a User Object on the current menu toolbar
  • Revised "fn_open_sheet_as_document" object class to renaming "ae2_tab_alignment" argument to "ab_tab_alignment" for naming consitency
  • Added "Printer" status constants variable declarations to "nc_app_controller_master" object class
  • Added method "of_set_app_ini_name" to "wn_controller_master" object class to allow any App to dynamically change the INI name at run-time
  • Revised "ns_ds_master" object class to optimize code to prevent addressing a NULL buffer in the "oe_buffer_trace" event
  • Revised "vs_dc_master" object class to optimize code to prevent addressing a NULL buffer in the "oe_buffer_trace" event
  • Revised "nc_app_controller_master" object class to add "RTE" control variable that identifies which 3rd party control is being used
  • Revised "nc_app_controller_master" object class "of_set_powerbuilder_environment_info" method to write RTE Control type to the App's log
  • Revised "nc_app_controller_master" object class to add "of_get_rte_control_type" method to retrieve the RTE Control type being used by the current App
  • Revised "nc_app_controller_master" object class "Constructor" event to add INI check for RTE Control type being used
  • Revised "vs_dc_master" object class "oe_dddw_drop" event on child DDDW to have the same band colours as the DW List DWO's in the App.
  • Revised "vs_dc_master" object class "oe_dddw_drop" event on child DDDW to DDDW the same Zoom % as its parent DWO
  • Revised "wn_main_master" object class property to have a MAX box enabled
  • Revised "nc_app_controller_master" object class "of_set_powerserver_environment_info" method to handle new AWS App run-time settings from INI file values
  • Revised "nc_app_controller_master" object class "Constructor" event to removed old Colour "Default" logic and now handle these from associated Get functions
  • Revised "nc_app_controller_master" object class "Constructor" event to  track how many times App was used (Usage_Counter) in INI file
  • Revised "vs_dc_master" object class "oe_dddw_drop" event on child DDDW to control Even/Odd row highlighting
  • Revised "vs_dc_master" object class adding new "oe_left_mouse_click" event to handle DDDW Open/Close processing state.   Note1: Also a workaround for the "oe_dddw_close" event not being fired by the PB & PS run-times (PB/PS bug)    Note2: Also revised the "itemfocuschanged" event code for the same issues as above.
  • Added new "vs_ole_browser_master" object class to allow proper embedding of the "IE Web Browser" in PB native Apps.
  • Revised "nc_systemtray_master" object class to replace ANSI based MS-Window API's with their Unicode equivalent (where applicable)
     The OrderEntry example application and the Integrated Framework's Documentation has also been updated to the new Integrated Foundation class R5 framework version. You can download the example application from here. Also, check out the online "getting started" video series to accelerate your assimilation of the best framework for PowerBuilder & PowerServer!

   STD would also like to thank Novalys Corporation for their support of the Foundation Classes by supplying the VisualExpert product for the framework's documentation.

Enjoy ... and

Regards ... Chris

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Elevate 2018 - Agenda Online

** Hot News **

Elevate Conference - Agenda now Online!
Hope to see you there!

  Appeon have just updated the Elevate 2018 conference information this week on their website to now include a list of the various presentations and a short description of each one. The updated information includes the Agenda and Topics for the upcoming conference!

    Key topic areas include:
  • C# with PowerBuilder
  • Modernizing your UI/UX
  • Cloudify Existing App
  • Integration
  • Design & Best Practices
  • Development Productivity

Note that attendees will receive an insider release of PowerBuilder 2018 and training on how to use C# to develop cloud apps in PowerBuilder 2018. You will be able to expand your technical knowledge with over 60 hours of educational sessions covering today’s hottest topics. While connecting with the Appeon community, you will be able to converse with the Appeon Product Team and connect with other IT professionals, partners, and Appeon staff.

Regards ... Chris

PB2017R3 Webinar - Securing Your Data

** Hot News **

PB 2017 R3 New Features: Encryption / Encoding

       Join Appeon on September 18, 2018 at 9:00am PDT (12:00 EDT) for a webcast that will take a look at the new encryption features introduced in PowerBuilder 2017 R3 to securely move data between the client and server.  You will also learn about encryption/decryption, encoding/decoding, hashing, and signing, as well as how to use these built-in features of PowerBuilder 2017 R3. Appeon will also share with you on how to use a hybrid encryption model to achieve a relatively high level of security for your data.

       Click here to register!

  To dive even deeper into the PB2017R3 features and the new upcoming features of the PB2018 release, why not register for the Elevate 2018 conference starting on November 5, 2018!
See you there!

Regards ... Chris

Thursday, August 23, 2018

STD Web Service Framework - 2018R2 released!

** Hot News **

"THE" Appeon PowerBuilder Web Service Framework!

(v2018.2.0.72 - August 21, 2018)

     Software Tool & Die Inc (STD) are please to announce the release of their new Web Service STD Foundation Classes for .Net/IIS (STD FC WS). The updated Web Service framework is solely targeted to helping Appeon PowerBuilder developers, develop .Net based Web Services deployed to MS-IIS application servers. The Web Service based framework takes advantage of RAD techniques - employs an MVC (Model, View, Controller) architecture for superior performance, flexibility and extend-ability. 

   Note: All the STD frameworks are free and can be downloaded from its STD Foundation Classes SourceForge project website. Just click on the WebService link located in the project's main webpage.

    The Web Service framework - while greatly improving the PB & Appeon developer's productivity - also includes these types of features to help with RAD based projects:
  • Helps the PB developer to Implement "stateless" programming
  • Manages DataStores for you automatically
  • Manages DB updates for you automatically
  • Facilitates  MVC design & programming
  • Provides Encryption / Decryption servicesProvides extended numerical services (ie: And / Or / Xor / Xand / etc features to PowerScript
  • Provides Result Set generation for any data
  • Provides HTML generation for any data
  • Allows STMP eMail generation
  • Facilitates the consumption of .NET classes
  • and much more!

    The main updates to the 2018R2 release ( v2018.2.0.72 ) to the STD Web Service FC's for IIS include...

  • Migrated the Web Service framework from PB2017R2 to PB2017R3 Universal Edition.
  • Changed the release number in nc_ws_master to 2018.2.0.72
  • Added & Revised API declarations as per the Integrated framework (synchronized) in "nc_master".
  • Added System.IO.dll .Net assembly reference to the Target
  • Added System.IO.Compression.dll .Net assembly reference to the Target
  • Added System.IO.Compression.FileSystem.dll .Net assembly reference to the Target
  • Added System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.dll .Net assembly reference to the Target    
  • Added PIPESTART event to the "ns_pipeline_master" class.
  • Added PIPEEND event to the "ns_pipeline_master" class.
  • Added PIPEMETER event to the "ns_pipeline_master" class.
  • Added "of_generate_uuid" method to the "nc_business_master" class
  • Added "of_file_unzip" method to the "nc_business_master" class *
  • Added "of_file_zip" method to the "nc_business_master" class  *
 * - See the OrderEntry App's use of the WS framework for Zip/Unzip example

Click the following link for  more information on the previous 2018R1 WS framework release!
  • The Framework documentation completely updated using the new VisualExpert 2018 product!
VE2018 generated Web Service Framework Documentation

   STD would like to thank Novalys Corporation for their support of the Foundation Classes by supplying the VisualExpert product for the framework's documentation. 


Regards   ... Chris

Friday, August 17, 2018

STD Integrated Foundation Classes - 2018R4 Released!

** Hot News **

  Integrated Foundation Classes (2018R4) Released!

 "THE" Framework for Appeon PowerBuilder & PowerServer!

(v2018.4.0.121 - August 14, 2018)

Complete set of new icons for all Menus to give your Apps a more modern look!
        Software Tool & Die Inc (STD) are very pleased to announce that they have just released a new version of their Integrated Foundation Class library framework 2018R4 (build 2018.4.0.121) exclusively for PowerBuilder 2017R3, PowerServer 2017 Web and PowerServer 2017 Mobile builds 1858! In particular, the updated framework release addresses PB2017R3's new oAuth, Encoding, Decoding, Encryption and Decryption features.
     STD are also very excited as this release represents another significant enhancement to the Integrated framework that really further exemplifies the power of the Appeon PowerBuilder 2017R3 development environment! The new framework combined with PowerBuilder and/or PowerServer products, positions developers to take advantage of today's Agile and DevOps methodologies. Plus it puts a complete new GUI "punch" in your Native, Web and Mobile Apps without buying expensive add-on products.

     For a summary of the previous framework version's feature sets for 2018, please follow these links - 2018R1, 2018R2 and 2018R3
   The following are some of the key highlights of the new R4 Integrated Foundation Class library and Appeon PowerBuilder 2017R3 versions at work, as follows:

New look & feel

New modern UI & UX!

Hint Text User Objects

Hint Text for EditMask,  SLE and MLE object classes

System Functions

System Functions mapped in the "Controller" class. Just type "SF." for autoscript list at your fingertips!

    The latest Integrated framework version contains the following updates and has been tested with MS-Windows 10 O/S (Spring Creator Edition), PB 2017R3 and the PowerServer 2017 builds #1858. Testing inside of PB included Win32 (both P-code & M-code) and Win64 (P-code) deployments. Testing inside of PowerServer Web & Mobile included latest Web Browsers, latest Apple Tablet / Smart Phone and Android Tablet / Smart Phone deployments.

Note: All the STD frameworks are free and can be downloaded from its STD Foundation Classes SourceForge project website..

Release 2018.4.0.121 - Major Release (2018R4) - change highlights ...
  • Added TimeZone API defintions to  the "nc_app_controller_master" class
  • Added MessageXxxxxx API defintions to  the "nc_app_controller_master" class
  • Added new "oe_dropdown" event to the "vs_ddlb_master" object class to signal a "drop"
  • Added new "oe_closeup" event to the "vs_ddlb_master" object class to signal a "collapse"
  • Added new "oe_dropdown" event to the "vs_ddplb_master" object class to signal a "drop"
  • Added new "oe_closeup" event to the "vs_ddplb_master" object class to signal a "collapse"
  • Added MessageBeep API support to the "wn_messagebox_master" object class
  • Added code to the "PipeStart" event of the "ns_pipeline_master" object class
  • Added code to the "PipeEnd" event of the "ns_pipeline_master" object class
  • Added code to the "PipeMeter" event of the "ns_pipeline_master" object class
  • Added new "of_generate_uuid" method code to  the "nc_app_controller_master" class
  • Created new "ns_coder_master" object class to support Encoding/Decoding
  • Created new "ns_crypter_master" object class to support Encryption/Decryption
  • Created new "ns_listview_item_master" object class
  • Created new "ns_oauth_client_master" object class to support oAuth 2.0 security
  • Created new "ns_oauth_request_master" object class to support oAuth 2.0 security
  • Created new "ns_restful_client_master" object class to support RESTful web services
  • Created new "ns_token_request_master" object class to support oAuth 2.0 security
  • Created new "ns_token_resonse_master" object class to support oAuth 2.0 security
  • Created new "ns_treeview_item_master" object class to support TreeView Control
  • Revised "oe_postconstructor" event of "mu_application_master" to support MDI Dockable windows
  • Revised "oe_predestructor" event of "mu_application_master" to correct NULL Object error
  • Added SystenFunctions reference to the "nc_app_controller_master" class for ease of coding
  • Revised "of_set_pb_environment" method of "mu_application_master" to check proper bitness
  • Created new "vc_em_hinttext_master" object class to Edit Mask object with "hint text"
  • Created new "vc_mle_hinttext_master" object class to Multi-Line object with "hint text"
  • Created new "vc_sle_hinttext_master" object class to Single Line object with "hint text"
  • Created new "ns_enumeration_definition_master" object class to support ENUM operations
  • Revised all the icons in the "mu_application_master" object class to have a more modern look
  • Migration of entire framework from PB2017R2 Build 1769 to PB2017R3 Build 1858
  • Revised the "ns_restful_client_master" object class to accommodate R3 method signature changes
     The OrderEntry example application has also been updated to the new Integrated Foundation class framework version. You can download the example application from here. Also, check out the online "getting started" video series to accelerate your assimilation of the best framework for PowerBuilder & PowerServer!

   STD would also like to thank Novalys Corporation for their support of the Foundation Classes by supplying the VisualExpert product for the framework's documentation.


Regards ... Chris

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Hands-on Look at PowerBuilder 2017 R3

** Hot News **

Hands-on Look at PowerBuilder 2017 R3

       Join Appeon on August 15, 2018 at 9:00am PST (12:00 EST) for a webcast that will give you a first hands-on look at the key new features added to PowerBuilder Revision 3 (released on July 31, 2018). This webinar will include quick tutorials and benefits from these and enhanced features and a Q&A session at the end. Join Appeon for this live event to get valuable knowledge and insight into PowerBuilder revision 3!

       Click here to register!

Regards ... Chris

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Appeon PowerBuilder 2017 R3 Released!

** Hot News **

PowerBuilder 2017 R3 Released!

    Appeon, a provider of software for accelerating the development of data-rich business apps, today (July 31, 2018) announced the general availability of PowerBuilder 2017 R3.  This revision keeps PowerBuilder moving towards the cloud and middle tier computing environments. PowerBuilder 2017R3 provides major enhancements for consuming REST Web APIs and now also includes the PowerServer Web product, a solution for cloudifying existing client/server projects with minimal effort.

PowerBuilder 2017 R3 feature highlights:

  • Web Apps  – Powered by PowerServer Web, rapidly cloudify your existing client/server projects with minimal effort. Web apps deploy to the .NET framework and execute either in leading Web browsers or standalone as Installable Web Apps. Note: production servers are licensed separately.
  • DataWindow JSON Enhancements – Easily exchange JSON-formatted data between DataWindows and REST Web APIs using newly-added JSON functions. DataWindow metadata is supported, and multiple DataWindows can be mapped to a single REST Web API for better performance.
  • Strong Encryption – Transfer data securely by applying today’s strongest asymmetric and symmetric encryption algorithms. All key encryption-related steps from generating keys to verifying data integrity can be performed in PowerBuilder.
  • OAuth 2.0 Compatibility – Provides an OAuth 2.0 client for two or three-legged authentication to protected HTTP resources over TLS 1.2, such as REST Web APIs. Support for tokens has also been integrated in the HTTP/REST clients.
  • Data Encoding – Encode your data to be compatible with REST Web APIs or other HTTP resources by applying various encoding methods, such as HEX, BASE64, and URL.
  • Tortoise Integration – More source control functions are provided inside the PowerBuilder IDE, such as Get/Release Lock, Diff, Show Log, and Open Containing Folder, and integration with Tortoise clients allows convenient access to virtually any functionality desired.
  • Secure PDF Generation – Protect the data in your PDFs by configuring password requirements and restrictions to reduce the likelihood of unauthorized access, copying, editing, printing, etc. PDFs are now generated in memory rather than on disk for increased security.

To try PB2017R3 for free today, check out the trial version.

For more product information on PB2017R3, check out the PB Product webpage!

Regards ... Chris

Appeon - Independent Consultants Directory

** Hot News **

Independent Consultants Directory

    Appeon has now released a new directory of independent consultants to match PowerBuilder developers and companies with valued resources. This directory aims to provide an easier and more efficient process for prospective employers worldwide to discover independent consultants with Appeon product experience, regardless of which underlying professional networking service the independent.

    You can view the current list of consultants and also sign-up if you wish to get added!

Regards ... Chris

Thursday, July 19, 2018

PowerBuilder WebService Analysis

** Hot News **

Web Service Call Analysis


    When working on a PowerBuilder application, you may need to find all references to a particular web service. Visual Expert is now analyzing the dependencies between PowerBuilder objects and web services.  Read more.

Regards ... Chris