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Thursday, January 31, 2013

PowerBuilder TV - March 2013

** Hot News **

Presentations for March 2013 ....

Is the DataWindow Just For Displaying Rows and Columns? … Are You Sure?

Tuesday, March 12, 2013
9:00am PST (Los Angeles) / 17:00 CET (Paris)

(Please note time/date change: the original date of February 19th has been pushed back to March 12th, this has also affected the time in different zones due to Daylight Savings)

DataWindows are mostly used for displaying data in different kinds of presentation styles like grid, tabular, tree view etc. The DataWindow also has another great property: displaying shapes like rectangles, circles, etc. Moreover, these shapes can be created at runtime.

In this presentation, Sonat Karakas of Turkcell will talk about creating shapes in a DataWindow, creating them dynamically and techniques for storing them in a database. At the end of the presentation, he will move up a notch by looking at displaying a server rack, showing its slots and painting them in different colors according to their usage status.

Presenter: Sonat Karakas

Regards ... Chris

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Appeon Mobile - Beta 2.0

** Hot News **

Appeon Mobile - Beta 2.0

    Appeon Mobile Beta 2.0 will be released on February 6, 2013! Some new features that have been added since Beta 1.0 are: support for iOS SDK, printing, file functions, retina support, auto-resizing, and much more!  If you are not already signed up for the Appeon Mobile beta but would still like to join the beta program, please sign-up here:

Here are some highlights ....

PowewrBuilder related features:

  • EditMask control is supported.
  • Two system functions: Print and File, are supported.
  • Key events for EditMask, SingleLineEdit and MultiLineEdit are supported.
  • Print function for DataWindow control is supported.
  • DragIcon property for all controls is supported.

Mobile API:

  • Manipulate the various features of Appeon WorkSpace, such as the AWS orientation, the title bar, the assistive touch bar, the log, the project information, the version number etc.
  • Camera - Captures or views a photo using the device’s camera.
  • Connection - Obtains the network state and connection type.
  • Device - Obtains the device specific information, such as the device type, the device DPI/PPI, the OS version, the device’s memory, the device’s OS, the screen resolution, etc.
  • Media - Plays a media file using the device’s media player.
  • Notification - Sends a notification to the notification bar.
  • Recorder - Records an audio using the device’s recorder or opens the recorder library.

Platform features:

  • Supports MySQL database
  • Supports HANA database
  • Supports WebSphere Application Server Community Edition
  • Supports SAP NetWeaver Application Server

Appeon WorkSpace:

  • Import projects: supports importing an Appeon WorkSpace configuration file that will automatically configure the Project Name and URL for multiple projects.
  • Run multiple apps: supports running multiple apps in the background at the same time.
  • Logs: provides configurations for recording logs, clearing logs, and sending logs of a particular app via email.
  • Default project: supports to set one app as a default app. If the app is set as the default app the app will be automatically launched when the Appeon WorkSpace is opened.
  • Connection delay: provides the option to set the connection delay time. If the connection cannot be established within the specified time the users will be prompted.
  • Multi-Language: provides the option to configure a preferred language for the Appeon
  • WorkSpace UI. Only English is available right now, other languages, such as Japanese, will be added in the future releases.
  • View in landscape and portrait: supports to view Appeon WorkSpace in landscape and in portrait on iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, iPad mini, iPhone 4/4S, and iPhone 5.
  • New look and layout for Appeon WorkSpace!


  • Retina display: option to enable/disable Retina support on iOS devices. When enabled, the UI including controls, text, and images, will not be scaled. As a result, the application will look very crisp at the expense of higher memory.
  • Client log: configures the client-side log settings, including log mode and file size limit.
  • Auto-resize: defines rules for automatically resizing the mobile application UI to fit various screen sizes and orientations (portrait or landscape) or uses Appeon’s default rules.

Appeon Developer:

  • Appeon WorkSpace Simulator: supports running apps in simulator of Appeon WorkSpace for both iPad and iPhone devices.
  • Code Insight: accurately displays unsupported/supported features when writing dot notation in the script editor.
  • Feature Analyzer: produces a report that accurately lists unsupported features.
  • Config Wizard: a wizard that walks you through all the steps to configure your mobile project.

Appeon Mobile .... Tablet and SmartPhone development for PowerBuilder "on steroids"!   :-)

Regards ...Chris

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

PowerBuilderTV - February 2013

** Hot News **


PowerBuilderTVFebruary 2013

Upcoming webinar schedule ...

Wednesday Jan 23, 2013
at 9:00 AM PST (Los Angeles) - 18h00 CET (Paris)

Creation and Consumption of Web Services with SAP Sybase PowerBuilder
This session examines some of the recent improvements in PowerBuilder for the creation and consumption of Web services. Specific emphasis is placed on:
• The new WCF client in PowerBuilder .NET.
• The new WCF service type in PowerBuilder .NET.
• The new REST client in PowerBuilder .NET.
• Using a WCF client in an PowerBuilder .NET assembly to enhance PowerBuilder Classic.
Presenter: Bruce Armstrong

Tuesday Feb 19, 2013
at 9:00 AM PST (Los Angeles) - 18h00 CET (Paris)

Is the DataWindow Just For Displaying Rows and Columns? … Are You Sure?
DataWindows are mostly used for displaying data in different kinds of presentation styles like grid, tabular, tree view etc. The DataWindow also has another great property: displaying shapes like rectangles, circles, etc. Moreover, these shapes can be created at runtime.
In this presentation, Sonat Karakas of Turkcell will talk about creating shapes in a DataWindow, creating them dynamically and techniques for storing them in a database. At the end of the presentation, he will move up a notch by looking at displaying a server rack, showing its slots and painting them in different colors according to their usage status.
Presenter: Sonat Karakas

Click to see the full schedule or learn more

Regards ... Chris

Friday, January 18, 2013

STD Framework Release

** Hot News **

Foundation Classes for PowerBuilder

(for PowerBuilder "Classic and .Net", Appeon Web and Appeon Mobile)

   Software Tool & Die Inc (STD) is very pleased to announce that they have just released an updated version of their Foundation Class library today for both PowerBuilder and Appeon Web plus the first "official beta" for Appeon Mobile!

   The latest version contains the following updates and has been tested with Appeon 6.5.1 / 2013 using the PowerBuilder 12.1 / 12.5.1 official MR (maintenance) releases including PB's "Classic" and .NET versions. Testing inside of PB has also included WebForm, Winform, Win32 and Smart Client deployments.

   The FC's are *free* and can be downloaded (along with an updated sample Order Entry application) from the SourceForge website: 

The changes to the FC's are as follows .....


New SMC feature in action!
Release 12.1.0 Changes ... January 17, 2013)

  1. Added new SMC (System Monitor Console) Window feature
  2. Removed some old WinNT/Win2000 commented out code.
  3. Optimized various code segments for better performance
  4. Replaced the following INI vaules in the "[System]" section.
     They are no longer PocketBuilder or DBMS specific.
  • PB_Check_Version=Y
  • DB_Check_Version=Y
  • OS_Check_Version=Y

Appeon Web 

 Release 12.1.0 Changes ... January 17, 2013)

1)    Changed the parameters in the "[SYSTEM]" section of the INI to compliant with other FC variations.
2)    Restructured all the Menu Classes to get ready for new CLF (Section 508) website construction techniques (coming soon!).
This will support any type of website look & feel!

3)    Copied the following new objects from the PowerBuilder side of the FC framework to allow Appeon more functionality:
New ...
Modified ...

Appeon Mobile (Official Beta Release!)

Release 12.1.0 Changes ... January 17, 2013)

1)    Changed the parameters in the "[SYSTEM]" section of the INI to compliant with other FC variations.
2)    Restructured all the Menu Classes. 
3)    Copied the following new objects from the PowerBuilder side of the FC framework to allow Appeon more functionality:
New ...
Modified ...

Note: There will be another release of the FC's soon! Stay tuned to this blog for more news releases!


1)  Converge PB, Appeon Web and Appeon Mobile into a single source framework.
2)  Add more PB, Web and Mobile features.
3)  Port the EAServer version of the framework to .NET for web service based NVUO support!
     This will be an MVC Architecture as already implemented in EAS.
4)  Integrate Open Source tools like Spell Checking, OCR, Imaging  and more!

Regards ... Chris

Friday, January 11, 2013

Web CD Player

** Hot News **

Web Browser version of the PowerBuilder CD player released!

  Built and deployed using Appeon 6.5.1045.00

    This release is written in PowerBuilder 12.1 (build 6518 - GA) and encompasses some interesting features that you can coax out of the Windows operating system. Normally, the application can be deployed as a Win32, Winform or WPF (using PB.Net) and allows the user to control music from any CD/DVD player attached to their PC.

    The amazing part of this story though is use of the Appeon Web product and it's ability to be able to translate the PowerScript based application into pure XML, HTML and jScript - thus totally removing the PBVM run-time dependency. Then, being able to reproduce verbatim the application GUI inside the web browser while the Appeon AJAX plugin allows any web application the absolute necessary O/S control to accomplish its task!

Actual screen capture of the Appeon Web CD player at work!
   From the same baseline code, adding Appeon to the PB developer's arsenal you can achieve:
  • Pure web deployment of any application 
  • PB Developer controlled look & feel
  • Absolute Low level control
  • Native printing  using local PC's resources (not PDF dependent)
  • Using Appeon Mobile and the same baseline code you can also deploy to a Mobile device!
  • etc
     So not only is this a "kool" application to run natively, the important aspect to consider when building a PB application with plans to webify is that if you need low-level control to use a scanner, bar code reader, camera, GPS, etc Appeon's unique architecture (*).

I am Appeon Sam
Appeon Sam I am, That Sam-I-am!
I could not build this in a box.
Nor using Visual fox.
I do not like it built with Delphi.
I do not like it built with VB.
I do not use WPF for that here or there.
I do not even use Webforms anywhere.
I do not like Visual Studio's C# and ham.
I do not like them at all, Appeon Sam-I-am.

* - Note:  You can not do this common code base application with other tools like Visual Studio, Delphi, or even with PB's WebForms feature. Either the functionality is not available or you need to re-write the application code for each target environment deployment. When you Appeon to the PB mix though - a whole new horizon emerges!   :-)

    If you would like to enjoy the Native or Web version of the above CD Player application, please visit the  SourceForge website and my STD-Foundation-Classes project. Then select "All Files" to drill down to the PowerBuilder or Appeon sections. All the code in this project is free & open source.

For information on a Free Version of Appeon Developer, join ISUG at the "Green ($99) or Gold" level  and receive Appeon as part of your membership!

Regards ... Chris Pollach
President: Software Tool & Die Inc.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

PBTV - January 2013

** Hot News **

Upcoming webinars on PowerBuilderTV

Thursday Jan 17, 2013
at 9:00 AM PST (Los Angeles) - 18h00 CET (Paris)

Appify Your UI: Designing a Mobile User Experience With PowerBuilder
Ready to go mobile? With the arrival of Appeon Mobile, you can now leverage your PowerBuilder skills to build complete apps for a full range of mobile devices, from smartphones to iPads to full-fledged Tablet PCs. Mobile application development has never been easier or faster. Creating an engaging user experience, however, requires more than simply re-deploying your existing code for new target platforms.
Join Ronnie Po of Morpheon Corporation as he discusses design considerations and techniques for developing user-friendly mobile applications, and watch him demonstrate native mobile apps he has built using PowerBuilder and Appeon Mobile, including:
• YouHoops, a mobile score-keeping and scoreboard application for basketball games
• ChartBase MA, an add-on to Morpheon’s signature ChartBase medical application
Presenter: Ronnie Po

Wednesday Jan 23, 2013
at 9:00 AM PST (Los Angeles) - 18h00 CET (Paris)

Creation and Consumption of Web Services with SAP Sybase PowerBuilder
This session examines some of the recent improvements in PowerBuilder for the creation and consumption of Web services. Specific emphasis is placed on:
• The new WCF client in PowerBuilder .NET.
• The new WCF service type in PowerBuilder .NET.
• The new REST client in PowerBuilder .NET.
• Using a WCF client in a PowerBuilder .NET assembly to enhance PowerBuilder Classic.
Presenter: Bruce Armstrong

Don't forget to check out the archive of past webinars!

Regards .... Chris