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Monday, October 14, 2024

STD Integrated Framework (2024 R3 Production) released!

 ** Hot News **

  Integrated Foundation Classes (2024R3) Production Released!

 "THE" Framework for 

PowerBuilder 2022 R3 

PowerServer 2022!

(Framework version 2024.3.0.405 - December 11, 2024)

        Software Tool & Die Inc (STD) are very pleased to announce that they have just released a new version of their Integrated Foundation Class library framework 2024 R3 (build 2024.3.0.405) exclusively for PowerBuilder 2022 R3 and PowerServer 2022 R3 (Cloud), and InfoMaker 2022 R3 (build 3391) environments - with many new features, enhancements and upgrades!
     STD are also very excited as this release represents another significant enhancement milestone to the Integrated framework that really further exemplifies the power of the Appeon PowerBuilder 2022 R3 development environment! The updated framework combined with the current PowerBuilder products for building Native Client, PowerClient and/or PowerServer applications, positions developers to take advantage of today's Agile and DevOps methodologies. Plus it further enhances a newer GUI "punch" in your Native and Cloud based Apps without buying expensive add-on products. Especially, since the framework is free!

     For a summary of the previous framework version's new & revised features for 2023 through 2024, please follow these links - 2023R12023R2, 2024R1 and 2024R2. Note that the Integrated framework has now had 3 releases in 2024 so that it stays leading edge and feature rich! STD also has more features planned for the Integrated framework in 2025 as well - so stay tuned!
   The following are some of the key highlights of the new 2024 R3 Integrated Foundation Class library for Appeon PowerBuilder 2022 R3 build 3391, as follows:
         The OrderEntry example application and the Integrated Framework's Documentation has also been updated to the new Integrated Foundation class 2024R3 framework version. You can download the example application from here. Also, check out the online "getting started" video series to accelerate your assimilation of the best & free framework for Native PowerBuilder, PowerClient & PowerServer (Cloud) based applications!
This version is now based on 2024R3 version of the STD framework and has also been improved for PB 2025 Beta use as well. However, there will be a new specific verion of the framework for PB 2025 GA when it's released next year. The download is for the Workspace version but it will auto convert into a 2025 Solution environment with no issues (at least none that I have noticed & tested for thus far).

  This build also includes a new Utilities sub-folder that now includes an updated STATS and ADMIN PB Apps. The Stats App will take the statistics tracking file from the PB 2022R3 OrderEntry App (and any PB App that you build using this framework) and allow you to diagnose the Apps execution data (automatically captured), as follows:

  It will be interesting to compare a PB 2022R3 execution profile with a migrated PB 2025 execution profile (still on my ToDo list).  ;-)

The Admin App will allow you to control any STD Framework based App's INI file to secure any and all DBMS connection settings so that they cannot be read either in the App's related INI file. Also, the STD Framework loads any TO with the INI data and then randomly encrypts all transaction objects differently in memory so that memory scrapers cannot decipher the Transaction Object's settings either - even if they did figure out the INI encryption (which is totally configurable). The in memory encryption mechanism changes every time you run the App and is also different for every instance of a TO. This feature also supports PowerClient and PowerServer Apps as well!

The INI encryption can be different for any number of TO objects used by any PB App and supports PS Server DBMS & DB Instance redirection as well.  ;-)


Class Definition Viewer ...

 Even includes all extended properties added by the STD Framework to all object classes and their current values!


Automatic Ribbon Bar feature (workspace & solution) ...  "Look Ma no coding" when migrated to PB 2025 Beta and the DisplayMenuAsRibbonBar property is turned on!  ;-)


Drag & Drop Tab Pages within any Tab Control (workspace or solution based App) ...


Note: Only one property to set in any Tab Control ...


Support for using a Web Cam ...


Web Browser Control Logging / Tracing ...


ReDisplay last Windows Notification ...


STD Framework R3 Download:

Detailed list of updates between R2 and R3 release ...
  1. Migrated the framework from version 2024.1.0.392 to 2024.3.0.405 under PB 2022 R3 Build 3391
  2. Revised the Application Controller and Base Menu to align with PB 2025 upcoming features
  3. Revised the "nc_app_controller_master" to check the current .NET framework released
  4. Revised the "vs_tv_master" object class to add better Mouse Wheel support for scrolling
  5. Revised the "nc_app_controller_master" for the iptr_mutex_handle variable to be a LongPTR data type
  6. Revised the "nc_app_controller_master" to remove the test for EON object (deprecated)
  7. Revised the "nc_app_controller_master" for the CreateMutex API to support 64bit Apps better
  8. Revised code to handle "of_connect" to now handle encrypted settings
  9. Revised the "wn_contact_pipeline_e" object to adjust for handling Transaction object encryption
  10. Revised the "fn_print_screen" function for  Printer pointer for 64 bit compliance
  11. Revised the "fn_print_window" function for  Printer pointer for 64 bit compliance
  12. Revised the "fn_web_browser_control_settings" to support the "ls_RuntimeMode" setting
  13. Revised the "nc_app_controller_master" class to add the "of_sleep" method
  14. Revised the "wn_debug_list_master" class for  Printer pointer for 64 bit compliance     
  15. Revised the "nc_app_controller_master" class to Add a save notification msg feature
  16. Revised the "nc_app_controller_master" class to Add an of_get_last_notification method
  17. Revised the "vs_dc_master" class to add the "oe_process_enter" user event
  18. Revised the "vs_wb_master" class to add an "ls_download_file" variable to track downloads
  19. Revised the "vs_wb_master" class to Add code to preserve the last downloaded file name & location
  20. Revised the "vs_wb_master" class to track the "downloadingoperationstatechanged" event activity
  21. Revised the "wn_colour_master" class to release the filter if the user clears the search field
  22. Revised the "nc_app_controller_master" class to Add ReDraw ON/OFF to stop window close flickering
  23. Revised the "nc_app_controller_master" class to Add the "oe_open_webcam" user event code
  24. Revised the "nc_app_controller_master" class for the "mdirbb_1" exclusion check for PB 2025
  25. Revised the OrderEntryn Demo App for PB 2025 and miscellaneous fixes to execute cleaner
  26. Revised the "mu_application_master" class Menu structure in preparation for PB2025's Auto RibbonBar feature
  27. Revised the "mu_application_master" class to handle colour picture names under an EXE
  28. Revised the "nc_app_controller_master" WebAPI variables to enable version checking of the PS App server APIs
  29. Revised the "nc_app_controller_master" variables to support PB 2025's Tabbed View & Ribbon Bar runtime mode
  30. Revised the "nc_app_controller_master" class to add the "of_set_tabbedview_mode" method
  31. Revised the "nc_app_controller_master" class to add the "of_set_ribbinbar_mode" method
  32. Revised the "ns_sqlca_master" class to check the WebAPI version being used & log it!
  33. Revised the "vs_tc_master" class to support Tab Page drag & drop
  34. Revised the "vs_wb_master" class to support the "acceleratorkeypressed" user event
  35. Revised the "vs_wb_master" class to support the "contentloading" user event
  36. Revised the "vs_wb_master" class to support the "webmessagereceived" user event
  37. Revised the "wn_debug_list_master" class to support a new "class definition" feature
  38. Revised the "nc_powershell_master" class to Move the "As Admin" code to the new "of_run_as_admin" method
  39. Revised the "nc_app_controller_master" class to add the :oe_win_ini_changed: user event

Special thank you...

Visual Expert's STD Framework Summary Analysis

   STD would also like to thank Novalys Corporation for their support of the Foundation Classes by supplying the VisualExpert product for the framework's analysis & documentation!