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Sunday, June 30, 2024

New Admin INI (2024 R2) - Released!

 ** Hot News **

STD Foundation Classes

New Admin INI Utility Application released!

     Software Tool & Die Inc. today are very pleased to announce a new Admin INI utility application version 2024 R2 for Appeon PowerBuilder that was built from the latest STD Integrated Framework (version 2024.3.0.395) and the newest Appeon PowerBuilder PB2022R3 Maintenance Release release (build 3356). The highlights in this release are:
  • Migrated the code to PB2022 R3 build 3356
  • Updated "Theme" support for PB2022 R3
  • Encrypt / Decrypt DB Connection settings stored in an STD Framework App INI file
  • Requires ADMIN INI application to change DB Connection encryption settings (download)
  • Tested the Base64 code on W10 version 22H2 build 19045.4529
  • Tested the Base64 code on W11 version 23H2 build 22631.3810
Example INI file with encrypted values

     Application INI encoding and decoding is a critical  feature when protecting "actors" from garnering access to your system databases! Most PB applications use INI file settings to load their  Transaction Objects (ie SQLCA) with connection information. This DB connection information usually contains sensitive User Identification, Server, Password, Connection Security settings, etc. This information is key to protecting unauthorized data access.
    The great news though is that the new Admin INI utility application can totally secure this DB Client connection information. Also, the STD Framework knows how to decrypt this information when loading your application's Transaction Object(s). Once connected to the DBMS, the STD framework will then re-encrypt that information in memory using different random keys so that even memory scrapers cannot decipher it!

Select INI. Section Name, Transaction value, & then decrypt it!

Edit Required Value, then Encrypt it, & then save it back to INI

    The Admin INI utility application utilizes standard methods supplied by the STD Framework. These API's are now embedded in the framework so that can be easily used by Client Server, PowerClient or PowerServer based applications. You can see the PB Application use of this encrypted DB Client information in the STD Framework's OrderEntry Demo Application (download here)!

    You can download the Admin INI utility application from the STD Framework's website by clicking here! You can also download either of the free open source STD framework for PowerBuilder version 2022 R3 by clicking here!

Regards ... Chris

BASE64 Example (2024R1) - Released!

 ** Hot News **

STD Foundation Classes

Updated BASE64 Example Application released!


     Software Tool & Die Inc. today are very pleased to announce an updated Base64 Encoding / Decoding example application version 2024 R1 for Appeon PowerBuilder that was built from the latest STD Integrated Framework (version 2024.3.0.395) and the newest Appeon PowerBuilder PB2022R3 Maintenance Release release (build 3356). The highlights in this release are:
  • Migrated the code to PB2022 R3 build 3356
  • Updated "Theme" support for PB2022 R3
  • DB Connection settings for SQLAnyWhere v17 now use STD Framework DB encryption
  • Requires ADMIN INI application to change DB Connection encryption settings (download)
  • Updated the STD Framework to the latest version 2024.3.0.395
  • Tested the Base64 code on W10 version 22H2 build 19045.4529
  • Tested the Base64 code on W11 version 23H2 build 22631.3810
  • Updated for PowerClient 2022 R3 App deployment
  • Updated for PowerServer 2022 R3 App deployment

Base64 example from an ANSI text file!

     Base64 encoding and decoding is a critical  feature when processing XML and JSON files that contain binary datum. As well as using PowerBuilder's PBDOM feature, an XML DataWindow or interacting with Web Services that pass binary data back and forth (ie: JSON in a RESTFul web service). The received binary data will be in base64 encoded format - which is unusable to your PB application unless decoded (converted back) to its original binary state. Conversely, binary data that your PB application needs to send to other XML or JSON based applications must be converted (encoded) into the base64 standard.
PowerClient based Base64 example using Unicode text file!
Error handling for corrupt (incomplete) or wrong encoded Base64 files.

    The Base64 Example application utilizes standard Microsoft Base64 API's supplied by the MS-Windows O/S. These API's are now embedded in the framework's "nc_crypto_master" object class and easily called from your PowerScript code, as follows:
  • lo_crypto.of_base64_stringtobinary ( lblb_image , ls_base64 )

Base64 file translation into an image (or any other binary format for that matter)!

    The latest Base64 Example - along with the STD Integrated Framework is also able be used with PowerClient and PowerServer (Cloud) v2022 applications. Thus, the Base64 Example application can also be deployed to your favourite Web Server for convenient deployment. 
    You can download the Base64 Example application from the STD Framework's website by clicking here! You can also download either of the free open source STD frameworks for PowerBuilder, InfoMaker and PowerServer version 2022 R3 by clicking here!
   Note: The Archive folder on SourceForge contains older versions of the PB Base64 application for older versions of PB!


Regards ... Chris

Friday, June 21, 2024

Crypto Example Application (2024 R2) Released!

 ** Hot News **

STD Foundation Classes

Updated CRYPTO Example Application released!

Version 2024 R2

           Software Tool & Die Inc. are very pleased today to announce the release of an updated CRYPTO Encoding / Decoding example application for PowerBuilder, PowerClient and PowerServer 2022. This latest release of the CRYPTO application is are all written in the latest PowerBuilder 2022 R3 version and is also using the latest STD Integrated Framework (2024 R2 ) ... 

   The latest release of the Crypto example has had some major updates, as follows:
  • Updated the example using PB2021 build 1509 to PB 2022 R3 build 3356
  • Updated using STD Integrated Framework version 2024.2.0.395
  • Updated the Theme feature for the latest PB 2022 R3 themes
  • Incorporates the latest PB notification & Marquee App utilities
  • Deployment examples in 32/64bit and M-Code / P-Code
  • Tested the Encrypt code on W10 version 22H2 build 19045.4529
  • Tested the Encrypt code on W11 version 23H2 build 22631.3737
  • Ready for PowerClient or PowerServer 2021 deployment as well!

     Click here to download the example application source code!

Regards ... Chris

Thursday, June 20, 2024

PowerServer Console (2024 R2) released!

 Hot News!

Updated PowerServer Console Application!

Built using the STD Framework!

        Software Tool & Die Inc. are very pleased today to announce an updated  version of the PowerServer Console (2024 R2) application for use with the Appeon PowerServer 2022 R3 Web API application server! This latest release of the PowerServer Console application is all written in PowerBuilder 2022 R3 and uses the latest STD Integrated Framework (2024R2)!

    In the original release, the PS Console App could only monitor and if need be kill a PS App's "Session". Changes in this new release though now include:

  • Migrated the App code from PB 2022 R3 build 3289 to PB 2022 R3  build 3356.
  • Updated STD Integrated Framework from version 2203.1.0.325 to 2204.2.0.395
  • Incorporated updated PB 2022 R3 MS-Windows notification utility
  • Updated the Theme files to PB2022 R3 build 3356 (includes two new themes)
  • Tested the Console code on W10 version 22H2 build 19045.4529
  • Tested the Console code on W11 version 23H2 build 22631.3737
Customizable connection settings (DNS / IP Address) + Port


PS Console App monitoring PowerServer "Sessions".

    One of the new features in this PS Console release now allows you to see all the Web API's within the 2022R3 PS server itself by using the API tab page. Note that the PS Console's functionality is governed by the built-in exposed "internal" RESTFul web services within the PS 2022 server itself. Check this API documentation feature and also then be able to execute them from inside the PS Console application itself, as well as follows:

Console displaying WEB APIs currently available in the PS Server

Example of the Console executing any Web API it sees

Console showing a called Web API's return JSON data.

   The next new feature in the latest version of the PS Console is the ability to check the PowerServer's actual Heath. You can do this by selecting the new Health Tab in the PS Console application, as follows: 

New PowerServer Health check feature at work!

    Software Tool & Dies have also recently updated the STD Integrated framework to handle PS Server outages without crashing the running PB App when connected to PowerServer. This allows the App User and/or the Support team to see exactly what happened during a PB=>PS App failure. This could be for example: network outage, server not started, killed session, PS processing error, etc) by the type of failure reported and now logged as well! The newer framework also allows PS Apps to perform a PS server Fail Over as well that can now be handled by the PS App when one instance of a PS Server is not available!

 You can download the PS2022R2 Console and latest OrderEntry Demo App for PB/PS2022 R3, as follows:

PS ConsoleDownload     OrderEntry:  Download 

   Enjoy ... please let me know what you think & if you have any feature suggestions that you might like for future versions!

Regards ... Chris

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Multi-Threading Example (2024 R2) Released!

** Hot News Item **

PowerBuilder 2022 R3 - Multi-threading Example!

    Software Tool & Die Inc. (STD) are pleased to announce the release of an updated STD Integrated Framework example application that utilizes the framework to implement Application multi-threading! The multi-threading feature inside PowerBuilder has been around since version 5.0 when the Distributed PB feature was first introduced. However, it is not a well documented and known feature of the development tool. The STD Multi-threading example goes even further by allowing applications to utilize the vast resources of Integrated framework while taking multi-threading to a higher functional level. The framework allows the PB developer to easily implement multi-threading and be a lot more productive at the same time! 
    The updated Multi-threading example application now utilizes the latest STD Integrated Framework (version 2024.2.0.395) and the newest Appeon PowerBuilder 2022 R3 release (build 3356). Improvements in this release include:
  • Migration App code from PB 2022 build 1892 to PB 2022 R3 build 3356
  • Migration of the STD Framework from 2023R1 to 2024 R2
  • Better performance due to PB now compiled using VC++ 2022. 
  • Supports two new themes now included in the PB 2022 R3 release.
  • Tested the Multi-threading code on W10 version 22H2 build 19045.4529
  • Tested the Multi-threading code on W11 version 23H2 build 22631.3737
  • Tested M-Code, P-Code & PowerClient deployments in both 32 & 64 bit EXE's.
Note: The STD Framework is the only PB framework in existence that is both thread aware and multi-thread safe!

    The Integrated framework allows each thread to be monitored by the frameworks performance dialogue, write to the O/S Console, log a message in the main tread's application log, share DBMS access, send messages back & forth between threads or between the main thread and its sub-threads, introspect the O/S, etc - just to name a few interesting aspects. Messages may also now be written to the MS-Windows Event Log and MS-Windows Debug logs as well from each sub-thread!

  The latest STD multi-threaded PowerBuilder example application can now be downloaded from the SourceForge website. Please click here to download & enjoy!
  For a complete PowerPoint presentation on how Multi-Threading in Appeon PowerBuilder works, please click here to download this PPT presentation.

Regards ... Chris

Friday, June 14, 2024

DDE Example Application (2024 R1) Released

 Hot News!

PowerBuilder DDE Example Application

Built using the latest STD Framework!

        Software Tool & Die Inc. are very pleased today to announce an updated example application that demonstrate a fully working Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) Client and Server application! This latest release of the DDE Client/Server applications are are all written in the latest PowerBuilder 2022 version and are also using the latest STD Integrated Framework (2024R2)  ...

    In the updated release, the DDE Demo Applications include the following changes:

  • Built using PB2022 R3 build 3356
  • Using STD Integrated Framework  v2024.3.0.395
  • Updated to support the PB2022 R3 Theme features
  • Now includes  Client & Server App logging auto delete at EOJ
  • Incorporates MS-Windows notification utility built in PB 2022 R3
  • Deployment examples for 32 & 64bit M-Code / P-Code
  • Tested the DDE code on W10 version 22H2 build 19045.4529
  • Tested the DDE code on W11 version 23H2 build 22631.3737
  • PowerClient or PowerServer 2022 R3 deployment ready as well!

Actual DDE Client and DDE Server in action!

    The deployed EXE's for the DDE Client and DDE Server are also included in the DDE Example Applications download. You can run either the Client or Server in mixed modes. For example a 32 bit client and a 64 bit server (or vise versa), a P-Code client and an M-Code server (or vise versa), or any combination of the various DDE EXE's built from the STD Framework. The DDE features will work with any combination of the above EXE's. So this feature is just another tool in the PBToolBox that PB Developers can use to accomplish inter-application communication!

  You can download the new STD Framework DDE Demo App for PB2022 R3 build 3356, as follows:

DDE Demo AppDownload 

STD Framework:  Download  (latest OrderEntry Demo App that uses the framework!)

Note: Older DDE examples and STD Frameworks are available in their respective "Archive" sub-folders found in the above links.

   Enjoy ... please let me know what you think & if you have any feature suggestions that you might like me to add for future releases! 

Regards ... Chris

Friday, June 7, 2024

PSR Report Viewer (2024 R2) Released!

 ** Hot News **

PSR Viewer Application updated for PB 2022 R3!

    Software Tool & Die Inc. are please to announce a new version of the PowerSoft Report (PSR) Viewer (v2024.2.0.37) application built from the latest free open source STD Integrated Foundation Classes and specially designed for Appeon PowerBuilder version PB2023 R3 build 3356! The Foundation Classes provide most of the PSR functionality natively by having this application wrapped around the framework's DataWindow Control ancestor class! The PSR Viewer allows the user to view DataWindow reports that have been saved in PB's proprietary PSR format from either Appeon PowerBuilder or InfoMaker products. A PSR file is actually the DataWindow Object source along with its Primary data buffer contents.

PSR App example showing Zooming, Rulers & Print Preview

   Included in this new release are also the ability to write to the MS-Windows 10/11  "Notification area" and also drag & drop external PSR files into the PSR Viewer for display. A much more intuitive  way of working!

MS-Windows 10 Notification
Drag & Drop external PSR report files directly into the PSRViewer!  

Supports new PB 2022 R3 themes...

PSR Viewer using the new Orange Theme from PB 2022 R3 release!

   The new PSRViewer.exe application is built using the latest version of the STD Integrated Foundation Class library (2024.3.0.395) utilizing PowerBuilder 2023 R3's build 3289 feature set). The revised PSRViewer has also been extensively tested on the newer W11 Operating System as well with no issues. The new PSRViewer now also includes a new PowerClient project object for App deployment via that mechanism as well as compiled EXE. The application can also be run in either M-Code, P-Code compilations and in either 32 or 64 bit mode also.
   The updated PSR Viewer application for Appeon PB2023 R3 can be downloaded from the SourceForge web site ... just click here! For older PB versions of the PSR viewer you can download them from here.

Enjoy ... Chris

Windows Explorer (2024 R2) Released!

 ** Hot News **

PowerBuilder - MS-Windows O/S Explorer

Updated for PB2022 R3 (latest MR)!

Build 2024.2.0.58

    Software Tool & Die Inc. are please to announce the release of its updated MS-Windows O/S System Explorer utility all written in PowerBuilder 2022 R3 - build 3356! This utility demonstrates the power of using the STD Integrated Framework plus MS-Windows SDK calls to locate every running process or service (visible or invisible) in the entire operating system! Plus now introspecting O/S features like drivers, input devices, environment settings, desktop use, etc! The latest release contains the following upgrades ...
  • Migrated the code base from PB2022 R2 build 3289 to PowerBuilder 2022 R3 build 3356!
  • Updated the STD Integrated framework to the latest release (2024.3.0.395)
  • Updated MS-Window "Notification" support for PB2022 R3 compliance
  • Added "Marquee" support via the update STD Framework.
  • Tested on MS-Windows 10 version 22H2 build 19045.4474
  • Tested on MS-Windows 11 version 23H2 build 22631.3672
Examples ...
Process Explorer Example!
WMI Explorer With Tabbed View UI!

     This release includes Project Objects ready for 32 or 64 bit App deployment to Native (P-Code or M-Code), or PowerClient based applications. With the combination of the STD Integrated  Framework the MS-Windows Explorer application will now function in either native or Cloud deployment modes!
     Unlock the "Power" in your PowerBuilder and download this free PB2022R3 utility application. Check out the prowess of the free & open source Integrated framework as well assisting the Windows Explorer application at work - click here to download! Then find see how this utility can find every visible and invisible object in all tasks, processes and services running on any MS-Windows O/S machine!

Note: Older versions of the Windows Explorer utility can be found in the "Archive" sub-folder.

Enjoy ... Chris