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Monday, August 26, 2013

PBTV - September, 2013

** Hot News **

Upcoming webinars on PowerBuilderTV


Tuesday, September 17, 2013
at 8:00 AM PST (Los Angeles) - 17h00 CET (Paris)

Latest News from the PowerBuilder World
Like many in the PowerBuilder world, you're probably eager for some more news! Join us for an exciting and informative webcast from the PowerBuilder sphere: a panel of presenters from the community will be discussing the future of PowerBuilder and possible evolutions for your applications. A number of topics will be covered including PB15, PB & HANA, Upcoming PB Events, New PB add-ons and more!
Panelists: Bruce Armstrong, Matt Balent, Christophe Dufourmantelle, Armeen Mazda,
Chris Pollach, and Yakov Werde

Tuesday, September 24, 2013
at 9 AM PST (Los Angeles) - 18h00 CET (Paris)
Showcase: Creating a Mobile Application
- Tips and Tricks -
This presentation will explain the steps Filiberto Sosa followed to develop a mobile application from scratch with PowerBuilder and Appeon Mobile.
Filiberto 's application uses a self-designed menu system developed with DataWindows that allows image integration and an improved interface for mobile devices. He will explain the structure of this application, used for Consultation Reports by company directors, to take inventory with a laser barcode scanner that communicates via Bluetooth to iOS devices. Finally we will discuss the expected changes he is planning to do in his application.
Presenter: Filiberto Sosa

 Regards ... Chris


Monday, August 12, 2013

Appeon 2013 - EBF Released

** Hot News **
Appeon Web & Mobile EBF #0193

    August 02, 2013 - Appeon Corporation is excited to announce that the Appeon Web & Mobile EBF #0193 is now available. In addition to the fixes designed to address reported problems, this release contains some feature enhancements and new functionality as well. Appeon also spent significant time optimizing the core features of Appeon 2013! Specifically ...

Feature Enhancements:
  • (Appeon Web) IE 10: Make the Web application more compatible with the IE 10 browser.  
  •  (Appeon Mobile) String functions: Provide a configurable Charset mapping function in Appeon Developer, to eliminates the errors when there is double-byte character handling involved in mobile applications, because of the different character encoding in handling double-byte Charset between iOS and Windows.  You may need to use this function, if your mobile application uses any string function that ends with “A”.
New Features
  • (Appeon Mobile) iOS Map API: Enables developers to build web applications with feature rich, interactive iOS maps.
  • (Appeon Web) Client Log Files : Adding Client Log functions for Appeon Web solution to help debugging/troubleshooting client side issues.
  • (Both Web & Mobile) Stored Procedure Update: Support using Stored Procedure to update the database.
Bug Fixes
  • For users with the Appeon 2013 product already installed and valid support agreement, you can download the software by clicking here!

Regards ... Chris

Save PowerBuilder

** Hot News **

PowerBuilder Petition

Help Convince SAP to take positive action with PowerBuilder

  Bruce Armstrong has created an online petition directed to the Board of Directors of SAP. Bruce would like SAP know that there are a lot of PowerBuilder customers who are still using the product and need to see support and direction.

  To sign Bruce's petition - click here!

Regards ... Chris

Friday, August 2, 2013

ISUG-Tech Feedback Needed

** Hot News **

Attention ISUG Members

    ISUG-TECH is working toward putting on a conference in 2014 that will cater to both developers, DBAs and others. We are currently soliciting member feedback for this event and would like to hear from you!

    Please complete this survey to help them gather important conference data ... Click Here!

ISUG-Tech thanks you!

Regards ... Chris