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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

TCP/IP Socket Example (2024R1) - Released!

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TCP/IP Programming

Updated Socket Application Example for PowerBuilder 2022 R3!

        Software Tool & Die Inc. today are very pleased to announce a brand new MS-Windows Socket (2024 R1) example application built with the latest STD Integrated Framework (version 2024 R3). This latest release of the Socket application is also built using the latest Appeon PowerBuilder 2022 R3 build 3356 of the IDE .

PB Client Application - Ready to send DW object & buffers
         The STD Socket example application demonstrates a significant enhancement to the the PB developer's toolbox! The Socket example showcases the TCP/IP features in the STD Integrated Framework and more importantly returns the power of Distributed PowerBuilder back to the application developer. The TCP/IP socket support in the STD Frameworks is based on the work by Tom Cervenka's Sockets objects (written in pure PB, dating back to the PowerSoft days) that utilizes MS-Windows socket API's for FTP'ing text, binary data, files etc. between Apps and/or peer-to-peer communications between PB Apps (clients / servers).

PB Server Application - Receiving DWO and buffers from sender

     In addition, the updated STD Socket example will also now work when deployed as either a PowerClient or PowerServer App as well! 

Socket App talking to another Native PB counter-part exchanging textual data!

Watch the video!

    You can download the updated STD Socket example application from the STD Framework's website by clicking here to get more productive in peer-to-peer communications with PowerBuilder! Note that an"Archive" sub-folder has also been added to this location as well. This folder contains previous versions of the socket example application for older PB releases!

Regards ... Chris

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